400 Glass Spheres Enliven Sacramento Lobby

Artist Bryan Valenzuela has installed a suspended glass sculpture at the AECOM-designed Golden1 Center in Sacramento. The sculpture, called “Multitudes Converge,” features 400 glass spheres suspended above the lobby on steel cables. The hand-blown spheres, cast in green, blue, and violet hues that mingle with metallic gold, symbolize the convergence of Sacramento’s two major rivers near downtown.

Valenzuela collaborated with Dreyfuss + Blackford Architecture as the installation’s consulting architect. Buehler & Buehler Structural Engineers designed a support structure to prevent collisions during a seismic event. “Our collaboration combined ideas brainstormed with Dreyfuss + Blackford to realize the most stable and safest way to hang a puzzle of glass, steel, and cable of this scale,” Valenzuela says.

The sculpture is one of several public artworks installed in the Golden1 Center, all commissioned by the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission.