Alexandra Tseffos on the Design Nerds Anonymous Podcast From ThinkLab and SANDOW
To wrap up the work week with some interiors-focused insights, tune into the latest episodes of Design Nerds Anonymous, a podcast series examining the intersection of business and design recently launched by ThinkLab and SANDOW. The newly released fifth episode welcomes the founder of Silent T Consulting, Alexandra Tseffos, whose work on the product-distributor side of the industry focuses on accelerating the availability of high-functioning furniture visualization technologies to streamline the selection process. Listen to her discussion with host and ThinkLab founder Amanda Schneider about the major innovations happening with the merging of design and sales teams, plus how her background in design and technology helps her leverage visualizations to reduce complexity.
Learn more about the show and what to expect this season from hosts Schneider and Hannah Viti, Podcast Coordinator, here. And don’t miss out on the first few episodes.