July 1, 2012

An Artistic Legacy: Nani Marquina’s 25th Anniversary

artistic legacy
Anniversaries, more than other celebrations, are opportunities for reflection, and Nani Marquina, mark­ing 25 years in business, is thinking beyond personal nostalgia. As part of her broad embrace of Spain’s creative history, Nanimarquina is honoring artist Eduardo Chillida, 10 years after his death, with the Chillida series. Although he’s recognized primarily for his monumental public sculptures, he also made ink drawings and paper collages, and these were the basis for the seven rugs. All are New Zealand wool, available in custom sizes as well as the standard dimensions.

For example, an abstracted nude from 1948, Figura Humana, has become a hand-knotted rug measuring approximately 7 by 10 feet. The scribbling strokes of 1957’s Dibujo Tinta and the high-contrast abstraction of 1966’s Colage have both been hand-tufted at 6 by 8 feet. And the most recent of the drawings, Manos from 1995, yielded a 6-by-9-foot hand-knotted composition featuring stylized grasping fingers.




artistic legacy

artistic legacy

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