October 2, 2017

Benjamin Hubert’s Tech-Forward Tent Chairs for Moroso

Benjamin Hubert.

Manufacturer: Moroso

Product: Tent

Standout: Future-focused technologies provide soft landings for the present.

Is he a designer, an engineer, or a scientist? With the debut of this ground-breaking chair, Benjamin Hubert, founder of industrial design agency Layer, appears to be all of the above. It begins with 164,000 feet of recyclable nylon yarn, which is digitally knitted into 2 million-plus loops in a single three-hour process, producing a seamless piece of fabric. A steel frame is inserted into the sleeves, and the fabric is tensioned via high-performance sailing ropes—just like raising a tent. There’s no need for foam padding, as the fabric effortlessly supports the body. And the integrated cushions allow water to pass through, so the chair works indoors or out. 

Tent chairs.
Tent chair fabric.

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