March 19, 2012

Sponsored Content: Bretford EDU 2.0 Furniture Designed for Learning Technology

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Education is Change. It’s learning new things and exploring the unexplored.

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Today’s students explore differently than in the past. They grew up looking at screens, not books. They use the Internet; they use digital devices and each other. The mode of learning is social, energized by technology. It’s a big change.

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What hasn’t changed is the school. It’s built to be the same, everywhere and for everyone. To support the 21st century student…the classroom needs to adapt. Because there’s more than one-way to learn: Tactile, visual, auditory, verbal, experiential, logical, social.

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Students have more tools than ever to connect-to teachers, to lessons, to each other, to mobile devices, to more. This is more than a table. It connects to tech, to new ways of learning, to creativity, to the world. Students connect to new ideas at different speeds.

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And the idea that learning only comes from an adult at the front of the room is very old-fashioned. The classroom experience is no longer passive. It’s an active sharing of knowledge. They are already interactive. One to one, one to many, many to many and they’re mobile.

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Learning can happen anywhere—and often does. These different modes require different configurations. Our Motiv seating is designed to support countless configurations during those activities. With a wide variety of fabric, leather and power options, Motiv enables technologies and provides comfort and flexibility for any space.

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Bretford builds and designs smart furniture. It makes room for change. It enables technology. It adapts to every mode, old and new. This flexibility enhances the experience of the student-and the teacher too.

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Technology keeps changing the ways ideas are shared. Schools need to keep changing, too. Education design isn’t decoration. It’s a critical component of how we communicate and compete. How we connect.

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