Civic Concepts Make Improvements to New York City Streets
These concepts by DXA Studio and WATG take New York City’s streets to the next level, making room for increased public space and efficient transportation.
AIA New York Future of Shared Space in NYC Challenge
The concept by DXA Studio, which includes dedicated lanes for deliveries, first responders, construction and city maintenance, electric bus services and trams, shared mobility vehicles, cyclists, and joggers, redefines public and personal space, transportation, access to healthcare, and basic zoning regulations with a goal of providing
a cityscape that’s responsive, adaptable, and focused on well-being.
Green Block by WATG
The modular program transforms city streets into spaces for outdoor dining and shopping and for restaurant operators to grow vegetables, herbs, or fruits to serve on their menus using a maintenance-free kit-of-parts created from recyclable materials, a concept that has been recognized by Urban Design Forum and is in development in London.