Elevate Your Home Office with Tools from Mockett

Working from home is hardly a new concept for some but when companies are suddenly confronted with having the entire staff working from home, new challenges are presented. New social distancing measures have put the design industry, amongst many others, into a new mode of working. With so many people having to adapt to the fusion of the home and workplace, one company’s line of products transforms any living space into a functional work environment.
Thinking ahead to the long term implications of this work from home stretch, Mockett has come up with five ways their products can optimize new and old home offices. From designs that practically power up furniture to devices that inspire creative designs as solutions to special challenges, it becomes possible to bring the comfort of home into the office within it.

The basic work from home desk could benefit from a simple Power Grommet, a charge-bar addition that can power up to four electronic devices within reach. No more having cords stretching over the back of the desk trying to reach the closest wall outlet. Easy to install and operate, power grommets can be clamped onto the edge of a table and tightened or drilled and dropped directly into the work surface for a more seamless look.

Beyond the ergonomic chair of choice, a proper desk is needed to be comfortable and productive. The couch just isn’t going to cut it. Mockett’s research shows most office desks are 29” high and range from 48” – 60” long by 30” deep. But “most” desks still means a one-size-fits all model won’t cut it. With that in mind, Mockett’s Table Legs with 1” of leveler adjustment is just one of their solutions. Their standing height desks are another. Controlled by electric table legs that move up and down as needed, the perfect balance can be achieved for switching it up between sitting and standing throughout the day.

Loose cables on the desktop and hanging off the edge or underneath the desk are something of a nuisance. A clean work surface will help maintain focus and optimize efficiency. As they say, a clear space is key to a clear mind. Not to mention making it presentable for Zoom calls with colleagues. Mockett has an array of Grommets and Wire Managers from wiremolds and raceways that are cut to length to run along the back of the desk or across the floor or baseboard to smaller widgets including hooks, loops, and Velcro® straps that fit into tight spaces and channel cabling snugly against the underside of the desk or down a table leg.

Still, a desk isn’t necessarily the right solution for all home offices. For tight areas, a work space can be created by using Mockett’s Work Surface Support Brackets mounted into studs. Or, get creative and use the mounts to display photos or place a speaker. Another idea is to set up the Work Surface near a window that lets in plenty of natural light and place an air purifying plant. With the product coming in a variety of colors and textures, it adds function and style to a room.

Mockett is embracing the challenge head on in these uncertain times. With their line of products, now is the time to tackle projects that have been put aside, starting with the home office. Mockett also offers Hardware Kits to help jump start the construction. One can never be too comfortable in their own home and these products add a healthy dose of functionality into the mix.