Interior Design to Host Virtual Ceremony for NYCxDESIGN Awards in May

Though NYCxDESIGN announced earlier today that in-person festival programming will shift from May to October, given concern surrounding COVID-19, the Awards ceremony hosted by Interior Design Editor in Chief Cindy Allen still will go on—virtually, that is—followed by a celebratory event to honor this year’s recipients in the Fall.
“As I’m sure you can imagine, we’re looking at 2020 events being postponed and thinking… how can we bring this design community together in the way we—as professionals and humans—need and crave?,” said Allen in a heartfelt message to the design community. “How do we redefine what togetherness means? How do we celebrate New York design at a time when we just might need it most? And how do we collectively keep the industry moving forward?”
With these considerations in mind, Interior Design, with support from the New York City Economic Development Corporation, NYCxDESIGN, and the International Contemporary Furniture Fair, made the call to present this year’s Awards via a virtual ceremony as scheduled in May. In other words, expect the audience for this year’s Awards to be the largest yet, given the magazine’s extensive global reach across its digital network.
In addition to livestreaming an alternate version of the awards ceremony via Facebook Live, Interior Design plans to celebrate winners in more ways than one. Coverage will include motion graphic videos, Instagram promotion, a Facebook photo gallery, and a Pinterest board spotlighting the winning projects and products, in addition to a special presentation of NYCxDESIGN Awards winners on the magazine’s website.
Then, come Fall when the design community reunites for NYCxDESIGN, winners and nominees will be honored in-person and given an opportunity to pick up their awards at a celebratory event. “The only thing that’s certain right now is that we are all in this together,” remarked Allen. “We look forward to honoring your design accomplishments as a community that stands as one together.”
In light of the current circumstances around the globe, a portion of this year’s proceeds will be donated to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. NYCxDESIGN Awards submissions for products and projects are open through April 9.
Read Next: NYCxDESIGN Suspends Plans for May Festival, Shifts Programming to October