July 28, 2015

Interior Design’s 2015 Rising Giants: Issues and Trends

One trend that’s notable though gradual is the drift away from LEED-accredited work. After an all-time high of a third of all projects, the number now sits at a quarter, generating just 23 percent of fees, about $100 million. Sustainable products account for 40 percent of all products specified, down from 42 last time. And green projects made up 34 percent of square footage, down from the mid-40s only two years ago. Is this a “sustainable” trend? We’ll see.

What do firms claim to be the most important issue facing them: recruiting, retaining, and training staff. Does this mean a seller’s market for employees? Possibly, as the percentage of firms focusing on this issue has been growing consistently. Being busy is good—for everyone.

That leads to the other subject on Rising Giants’ minds: clients. Getting them to understand design value and dealing with their increasing demands are top concerns for a majority of firms. Oh, and 82 percent said that “earning appropriate fees” was the biggest issue of all.


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2015 Rising Giants: Fees and Salaries

2015 Rising Giants: Growth

2015 Rising Giants: Market Segments

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