January 16, 2015

A Look at the Work of Joan Behnke

Joan Behnke

Joan Behnke, courtesy of Joan Behnke & Associates.

: Joan Behnke & Associates

Location: Los Angeles, CA.

Firm Size: 16 designers.

Bio: A veteran in interior design, Joan Behnke continues to thrive on the collaborative aspect of design, as she believes it is synonymous with success. Beginning from within, this starts with her intimate direction and work with her team of design talent and her relationship with her clients, and then branches out to her extensive knowledge of resources. As travel has been an integral part of her creative process, Joan has found a consistent exposure to new places essential — from capturing the spirit of a culture in a design detail to seeking out a unique piece from the shops in Paris or the artisans of Myanmar. She is continually looking for new and inspiring ways to use color, texture and objects of exquisite craftsmanship to create a lasting beauty.

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