Sponsored Content: Landscape Forms Now Offering Escofet
made its debut more than 125 years ago with exquisite terrazzo tiles designed by celebrated Catalan architects and artists, most notably
Antoni Gaudi
. Escofet tiles graced the floors and walls of tsarist palaces, ceremonial government buildings, and public and private interiors by avant-garde architects. Since then, the company turned its focus to the integration of art and industry and the casting of paving, building columns and facades, and streetscape furniture. The Barcelona-based company has left an indelible mark on the architecture and urban landscape of the city now recognized as a world design capital.
Escofet cast concrete architectural and streetscape elements are signature features of Barcelona’s urban aesthetic and its contribution to the visual vitality of the city’s re-urbanized zones has earned it the
National Design Prize of Spain
. Escofet products are well known throughout Europe and Asia. And now
Landscape Forms
offers Escofet cast stone site furniture to discriminating designers of urban landscapes in the US and Canada.