Life Saver: Net Effect Carpet From Interface
Just as it sustains life, the ocean supplies both style and structure to the Net Effect series of modular carpet from
, a veteran of the sustainability movement. After learning that discarded fishing nets endanger marine life, usually in the poorest coastal regions of the world, the manufacturer addressed the problem by partnering with the Zoological Society of London to form Net-Works, dedicated to retrieving the cast-offs and forging a waste stream to feed the company’s recycling efforts of post-consumer nylon. The project also establishes a livelihood for the residents of impoverished fishing communities who are hired to clear beaches and reefs of the nets. Thanks to technology developed by
, the nylon waste is converted into fiber, which is combined with used carpet fluff to create a yarn that boasts 100 percent recycled content.
For Net Effect, designer David Oakey drew inspiration from the sea: Motifs reference swirling waters and crashing waves. Mix and match between the three 20-inch squares and the three 10-by-39-inch planks.