November 8, 2012

Lights! Camera! Auction! Comes to Brooklyn

Lights! Camera! Auction! Comes to Brooklyn

Film Biz Recycling

, a nonprofit that works with New York’s film and television industries to recycle, repurpose, and donate used set materials, is holding its annual fundraising auction this Friday, November 9th, at the

Bell House

in Brooklyn. The event, dubbed “Lights! Camera! Auction!,” puts prop collections curated by local celebrities and industry notables on the block via live and silent auctions, followed by a reception featuring music by the Texas-based Allen Oldies Band.

John DiResta's custom up-cycled cabinet gives prop-shop knick knacks new life.

John DiResta’s custom up-cycled cabinet gives prop-shop knick knacks new life.

What’s in it for design enthusiasts? Lots include such iconic items as a reproduction Le Corbusier chaise lounge (part of director Morgan Spurlock’s collection), Jonathan Adler pottery, and John Derian plates, as well as custom up-cycled pieces including a cabinet by artist John DiResta fashioned from items culled from Film Biz Recycling’s prop shop, and a dazzling sequined cape by

Project Runway

alum Buffy Jashanmal made from fabric scraps from the show.


pièce de résistance

, according to Film Biz Recycling founder Eva Radke, is a mirrored World War II-era French short-wave radio whose patina is, she says, “absolutely mesmerizing” in person.

John DiResta's custom up-cycled cabinet gives prop-shop knick knacks new life.

John DiResta’s custom up-cycled cabinet gives prop-shop knick knacks new life.


are available for $40 for general admission and $250 for VIP admission. The viewing of auction lots begins at 7:00 p.m. EST, and the live auction of celebrity-curated collections will begin at 8:00 p.m.

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