November 26, 2014

Play Well With Others: Madrid Gets a Community Hub for Teenagers

PKMN Arquitectures and Taller de Casquería donated their time to build a temporary play structure in Madrid. Photography Courtesy of PKMN Arquitectures and Taller de Casquería.

PKMN Arquitectures and Taller de Casquería donated their time to build a temporary play structure in Madrid. Photography courtesy of PKMN Arquitectures and Taller de Casquería.

A vibrant cultural mix Tetuán definitely has. But what this working-class district of Madrid lacks is a community hub for teenagers. To temporarily solve this problem, the local

authoritites commissioned

PKMN Arquitectures

co-founders Enrique Espinosa, David Pérez, Rocío Pina, and Carmelo Rodríguez to collaborate with the seven cofounders of

Taller de Casquería

on a jungle gym, of a sort, in a vacant lot slated for development.

“We have the opportunity to be not just project or product designers but also designers of services for our communities.” —David Pérez

Donating their time, the firms spent nine days constructing Hypertube. Its

pyramidal form comprises

giant concrete pipes stacked and bolted to a concrete foundation. The insides of the pipes as well as the steel staircases, ladder, and catwalk that serve as connectors are painted a happy aqua, encouraging youths to exercise both their muscles and their imaginations.

>> See more from the November 2014 issue of

Interior Design

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