November 16, 2012

Sandy Forces New Venue for BOY Awards

2011 BOY Award winner Jeffery Bershad of Phillip Jeffries Ltd. with Interior Design's Cindy Allen at last year's event. Photo by Roger Kisby.

2011 BOY Award winner Jeffery Bershad of Phillip Jeffries Ltd. with Interior Design’s Cindy Allen at last year’s event. Photo by Roger Kisby.

Interior Design

‘s 2012

Best of Year Awards

on November 29th has moved to 200 West Street in downtown Manhattan.

Interior Design

was forced to switch venues after the lobby space of the


building, where the BOY Awards have been held for the past three years, experienced extensive water damage due to flooding from Hurricane Sandy.  The IAC lobby remains closed and it is unclear when it will reopen.

The new venue at 200 West Street features a state-of-the art auditorium that was designed by

SHoP Architects

, a New York-based design firm instrumental in helping

Interior Design

find a new site for the BOY Awards in less than a month’s time. The hurricane that slammed into Manhattan on October 29 resulted in much of the city’s downtown area losing power for days, while many buildings and subways became flooded with salt water, causing millions of dollars in damage.  Closings and delays in the downtown and surrounding areas continue to this day.

To help with the recovery effort in downtown Manhattan, a portion of the proceeds from the 2012 BOY Awards event will go towards Hurricane Sandy relief and future building. Go


for event information and BOY Awards tickets.

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