April 12, 2012

Sephora and Pantone Debut Pop-Up Color Shop

Pop-up stores are all the rage. Just ask the designers at the recent

IIDA NY event

panel where they discussed the trend’s effect on retail design. So when

Pantone LLC

teamed up with

Sephora USA

to publicize and sell the

2012 Color of the Year PANTONE® 17-1463 Tangerine Tango

, Sephora decided to go the  pop-up route. Designed and executed by


, the 23-foot wide by 43-foot long pop-up Color Shop  has a mechanized door that fans out to resemble the iconic Pantone color book (photo above) showcasing the Color of the Year. The mobile unit also features a black and orange makeup studio (photo below) stocked with the Sephora + Pantone Universe beauty collection and a digital display on one wall with a live

Twitter feed

.  The pop-ups next stop:

The Grove

in Los Angeles from April 18-22.

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