September 25, 2013

Spotlight on Tile: From Decoration to Innovation

Vintagepattern GammaDue Orn

Today more than ever, the tile industry is seizing an opportunity to move into new types of environments—from high-endurance building enclosures, to high-design interiors and high-tech applications, ceramic tiles have become an element of daily life. Previously, throughout the history of ceramic tile manufacturing, designers have worked to create finishes that are at once timeless and versatile. While interior surfaces like paint and carpet have relatively short lifespans and are prone to trends, tile is a lasting architectural surface.

In an online exclusive, examines how the industry made innovations in form and function to reach this point, then takes a look at how ceramic surfaces will become an even more integral part of built environments in the future:

Past Israel 2013 Jerusalemt

Tile Yesterday: Eyes for Size and Sustainability

The Present Thumbnail

Tile Now: Printing and Performance

Future Thumbnail

Tile Tomorrow: Technology and Architecture

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