Top 15 Burning Man Installations on Social Media
Burning Man is known for blurring the lines between artistic expression and pure chaos. And while a number of installations at the annual festival encouraged photography “for the gram,” just as many of the silhouettes that cropped up on the desert landscape stood on their own. As the eight-day festival wraps up in Nevada, we take a look back at the hottest (some literally; scroll to the bottom!) installations inspired by the theme of Burning Man 2019, Metamorphoses.
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BURNING MAN: In this space in the desert, where no life seems to live, springs an explosion of novelty so life altering, that it could not contain itself, and it began to pollinate the world…???? . . . Burning Man occupies that space where our earth-bound bodies root in the dust, gather together, and rise to meet our higher selves. .?Part of what is experienced is nothing less than the evolution of the human spirit from the roots of @burningman culture. . . ???? . For innumerable reasons, Burning Man seems to bring out what is best in ourselves and burns the rest away. For many of us, it is this fertile soil of shared experience – where we are at once unplugged from the world and synchronistically tapped into each other – that we rediscover our creativity, our absurdity, our freedom, generosity, trust and our pure, raw joy. ? ….We have created our own myths and our own rituals, and we live by ethics of our own making. We have built sacred spaces and created transformational art–– and we have learned to let them go. ?We have surrendered to the eternal now, to the rhythms of sunset and moonrise, and moon set and sunrise. We feel the vastness of possibility. We feel hope for humanity. We feel it, because we have created it. ?And because we created this consciousness from this divine common ground —we live it fearlessly. . .???? . . To my heart & my experience, the ultimate playa gift is to carry this radical, ineffable feeling of inspiration, of connection, of jaw dropping possibility, kindness, collaboration and openness, and manifest it in the world in your own way. Because, we desperately need this in our default world today. Because our old ways do not work: We need you ???? . . Buckminster Fuller once said “You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” ???? If Action begins in the heart and mind, then it follows: If you can change consciousness, you can change the world. ???? . We have work to do. Metamorphoses , engage. ???????????? . #burningman #burningman2019 #metamorphosis #metamorphoses #thankslarry #kateraudenbush #passagehome #consciousness #buckminsterfuller #activism
A post shared by Kate Raudenbush (@kateraudenbush) on Sep 2, 2019 at 11:55am PDT
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„???????????????? ???????? ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????.“ (???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????) . Ein kleiner tricky reminder, dass das Leben an jedem einzelnen Tag ein klein wenig – ok, manchmal auch ganz schön viel – Magie für Dich bereit hält. Oder wenigstens einen Teller Pasta. ????? . Einer der magischsten Momente meines Lebens hatte ich definitiv 2016 bei @burningman ???? eigentlich hätten wir ja gar keine Tickets bekommen. Eigentlich waren ja alle Camper ausgebucht. Eigentlich wollten wir ja alles auf 2017 verschieben. . Und ZACK: the Magic happened, wir bekamen Tickets, einen Camper und erlebten die krasseste und abgefahrenste Zeit in Black Rock City. Burning Man hat meine Begrenzungen und Bedenken aufgeweicht, mich hinterfragt, durchleuchtet, beleuchtet. Nach einer Woche spuckte mich die Wüste wieder aus und irgendwie war danach vieles anderes. Unter anderem entschied ich mich, meinen alten Job zu kündigen und mich mit meinem Blogbusiness selbständig zu machen. . Ja, das Leben will halt manchmal, dass wir blind vertrauen und springen ? und dann können echt Wunder geschehen. . Swiped nach rechts ???? da seht ihr unseren Lieblingsbären und ein cooles Wüsten-Diner. . Ich wünsche Dir ganz viel Magic & Pasta ?? . . #trickytine #burningman #magic #pasta #blackrockcity #festival #burningmanfestival #laurakimpton #artfestival #desert #diewocheaufinstagram #teamtricky #festivallove #letitburn #listentoyourheart
A post shared by trickytine • christine garcia (@trickytine) on Sep 2, 2019 at 11:29am PDT
Read more: Pink Intruder Recreates Burning Man Installation in Spanish Cloister