July 3, 2018

3 Staggeringly Beautiful Wineries Take Notes From Their Surroundings

Staggeringly beautiful winery buildings take notes from their environment.

1. Firm: Nielsen : Schuh Architects

Project: Occidental Wines

Site: Bodega, California

Standout: Doors of reclaimed redwood lead to a private tasting room while beneath it, rows of cast-concrete portals insulate barrels of the Sonoma Pinot Noir being served upstairs.

Beronia Rueda by Idom. Photography by Aitor Ortiz.

2. Firm: Idom

Project: Beronia Rueda

Site: Spain

Standout: Concrete-framed solar glass apertures embedded in the Cor-Ten steel exterior are both aesthetic and practical, letting in light but blocking direct sun, which could harm the Verdejo aging in custom concrete tanks.

Viña Edén by Fábrica de Paisaje. Photography by Leonardo Finotti.

3. Firm: Fábrica de Paisaje

Project: Viña Edén

Site: Pueblo Edén, Uruguay

Standout: Along with fermentation and storage areas, this vineyard includes a restaurant, its weathering steel and glass facade shaped like the area’s rocky mountain slopes.

> See more from the June 2018 issue of Interior Design

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