September 28, 2017

9 Architectural Products That Play With Color

Pastel and iridescent hues make their mark.

1. Pure Color collection color-infused glass tile by Andrew Pearson


2. Basket Weave Bold engineered PETG rigid sheet
wall protection in robin by Construction Specialties

3. Soft Satin collection back-painted architectural glass by Bendheim

4. ViviSpectra Elements architectural laminated
glass with decorative interlayers by Forms+Surfaces.

5. Iceberg Aqua Blue safety-annealed laminated heavy glass by Nathan Allan Glass Studios

6. Scuffmaster + ScrubTough Max washable, scrubbable, and scuff-resistant water-based polyurethane acrylic paint by Wolf-Gordon.

7. Century small-batch paint with soft-touch matte
finish in blue muscari by Benjamin Moore

8. Nancy Smith’s Chiaro Bath powder-coated stainless-steel shower drains by NAS Custom Life

9. Mizumi Herringbone 1-by-4-inch glass tile in Night Sky Pearl by Lunada Bay Tile

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