9 Jewel-Toned Wall Coverings
Let the jewel tones shine.
1. Wise Pond—A Frog Jumps mica wall mural by Elli Popp
2. Marbleous wallpaper with hand-swirled pigments by Phillip Jeffries
3. Greg Natale’s New Malachite glass mosaic by Bisazza
4. Dream large-scale porcelain tiles by Fondovalle
5. Obsidian iridescent digitally printed wall panels by Style Library Contract
6. Drew Morrow’s Moffat handpainted nonwoven wall covering with cork accents by Vahallan
7. Alley Cat Type II low-VOC vinyl wall covering with Osnaburg backing by Versa Wallcovering
8. All Grain Noir collection semi-aniline cowhides with metallic finish by Edelman Leather
9. Touch polyester velvet upholstery by Camira