May 1, 2012

A Symphonic Overture: Edificio Beethoven’s Airy Passageway Renovation

Essential places, passageways are nevertheless often afterthoughts. Unless you’re talking about the one traversing the lobby at Edificio Beethoven, a 1970’s office building in Barcelona, Spain, to link two street entrances. This corridor is part of the 1,900-square-foot public space redesigned by Archit3tum.

392598 Custom Doors In Lacquered Iron At Both Street Entrances Custom doors in lacquered iron at both street entrances.

When principal René Mateo first walked into the lobby, he was met with a decorative flashback: avocado marble walls, a surfeit of steel and glass. He ushered in more contemporary aesthetics in the guise of a concept he calls “modular origami,” in other words establishing visual continuity through recurring angles. A bronze-colored aluminum-resin composite, formed into panels that resemble origami unfolded but only partially smoothed, covers a sidewall. Across the ceiling, stretched PVC forms a giant black-and-white mosaic. Replacing the two run-of-the-mill street entrances, white-lacquered iron latticework doors pivot open. Just passing through.

392599 Archit3tum Redesigned A Lobby Passageway At Edifi Cio Beethoven In Barcelona Spain To Feature Paneling Of Aluminum Resin Archit3ctum redesigned a lobby passageway at Edificio Beethoven in Barcelona, Spain, to feature paneling of aluminum-resin composite, a PVC stretched ceiling system, and glazed porcelain floor tile.

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