Concrete Sets the Tone for Industrial Lower East Side Apartment by Noha Hassan Designs

Creating a modern home for a millennial client that riffed on the edgy, youthful vibe of its Lower East Side locale was the goal for transforming this 708-square-foot apartment. The unit already had a concrete ceiling—an element that both client and interior designer, Noha Hassan-Smith of Noha Hassan Designs, loved—which quickly became the starting point for the home.

As Hassan-Smith built upon its chic, urban-industrial feel, she realized the space was also the perfect backdrop to highlight a bespoke architectural chandelier from James Dieter, which became the striking centerpiece of the small space. “His lighting work adds a dramatic element,” explains Hassan-Smith. “I always like using unexpected elements and lighting is one of my favorite tools.”

Lighting continued to play a starring role in the “dark and sensual” bedroom where wall sconces by Stefan Gulassa pop against sueded, gray wallpaper for some additional theatrical flair. “Everyone that knows me, knows I love the use of grays in interiors,” says Hassan-Smith. “This client liked gray even more than me. We were meant to meet and collaborate!”

Read next: Adam Meshberg and Laura Garcia Collaborate on Her Light-Filled Brooklyn Home