Fennie+Mehl Designs a Trailblazing Space in New York for Silicon Valley Bank
Trailblazers in their own industries, clients of Silicon Valley Bank wouldn’t be receptive to a traditional, old-school atmosphere. Architecture and interior design firm Fennie+Mehl looked instead to telegraph energy and dynamism at a New York location. Led by senior associate Jaclyn Guasco, the firm began at the entry, where visitors are greeted by SVB staff with a handshake. Instead of a large desk, Fennie+Mehl placed a custom sectional beneath an aluminum canopy integrating LED fixtures. A video screen depicts fast-paced urban environments, a theme that continues into the other zones. “We created a blue-branded kinetic ribbon of imagery that directs attention throughout the space,” Guasco says. Fennie+Mehl also worked with a local muralist to transform the boardroom wall into a brand statement with a street art vibe. The firm has done several other locations for SVB, all with the intent to welcome and inspire.
ENV: Architect of Record.