K&Co Brings the Scent of Success to Cult Perfumery D.S. & Durga’s NYC Flagship

Cowboy Grass, Radio Bombay, El Cosmico. For the uninitiated, those are products from D.S. & Durga, the cult perfumery founded in 2009 by David Seth Moltz and his wife, architect Kavi Ahuja, on the idea that scents have the ability to conjure unseen worlds. A stand-alone retail outlet for the brand had also gone unseen. But that changed this winter, with the opening of a 600-square-foot flagship on a high-profile corner in downtown New York. To help conceive the space, Kavi looked to high-school classmate, designer and K&Co founder Krista Ninivaggi, who responded with a gallery-esque, experiential environment. The former is seen in the display island and cash-wrap, both rectilinear volumes of board-formed concrete; the latter comes from what she calls the “Synesthesia Wall,” where 10 narrow, vertical slots are fitted with LED tape offering thousands color options to evoke different customer emotions.