“I’ve been reading about art’s transformative powers, so my intention is to create not only an environment that makes it accessible to all but also an impactful business that does good,” Chris Dowson states. The result is “Flutter,” his immersive multi-artist, multi-room installation occupying a central La Brea building in Los Angeles, a portion of proceeds from its $28 entry ticket going to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. To curate, Dowson turned to Karen Robinovitz, who selected 15 contemporary artists—Liz Collins and Saya Woolfalk, among them—whose work embodies playfulness. In fact, the theme for this iteration of “Flutter” is play date. Robinovitz also partnered with Flavor Paper to turn some of the works into wallpaper editions, which can be purchased. After six months, a new theme and roster of artists will take over.