Yael Jacobs Caters to All Ages in a Family Home in Israel
Where a love of design meets young children, innovative solutions are required. Yael Jacobs Interior Design provided just such assistance for a former stylist and her family. Their house in Israel, north of Tel Aviv, had served them for several years, but current needs called for change. Jacobs reorganized both floors of the home. Downstairs, walls were removed to create an open area more conducive to entertaining. Above, Jacobs added an additional bedroom and turned the hallway into a study for everyone. The bottom floor is black and white, with touches of oak. Color was saved for upstairs, especially the children’s bedrooms. “The owner wanted each room of reflect the inner world and character of each child,” Jacobs says. In one, jungle green dominates. In another, the child’s love of pink was the driving force. The palette of the master bedroom, meanwhile, is more subdued.