April 14, 2017

B&B Italia Concludes 50th Anniversary Year With Film Release

Marco Zanuso’s Lombrico for B&B Italia. Photography by Fabrizio Bergamo. 

It was half a century ago, in 1966, that entrepreneur Piero Ambrogio Busnelli conceived B&B Italia as a brand that would reflect Italian culture, anticipate trends, and, ultimately, make a mark on the already crowded world of industrial design.

To mark the half-century milestone, B&B commissioned a 360-page history by architect, curator, and critic Stefano Casciani. Meanwhile, Migliore + Servetto Architects unveiled a multimedia installation-tribute at the Triennale di Milano museum, and filmmaker Didi Gnocchi released a documentary, B&B Italia. Poetry in the Shape. When Design Meets Industry.

Preview the documentary film:

This milestone anniversary year came to an end on April 13. To conclude the celebrations, B&B Italia released the documentary film on its website. Previously only shown at private events, the film—which tracks the company’s rich history—is now available for public viewing.

The occasion falls on the heels of Salone del Mobile, where B&B Italia released new products by Piero Lissoni, Antonio Citterio, Naoto Fukasawa, Mario Bellini, and Monica Armani.

In 1966, Piero Ambrogio Busnelli (far right) conceives B&B Italia. Pictured from left to right are his sons Emanuele, Giancarlo, and Giorgio Busnelli, the current CEO.

Jens chair by Antonio Citterio for B&B Italia, released at Milan Design Week 2017.

Formiche table by Piero Lissoni for B&B Italia, released at Milan Design Week 2017.

> Read our full story on B&B Italia’s 50th anniversary

> Watch the documentary film

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