August 13, 2018

Fabric: Brett Design

Magnet by Brett Design.

Who knew a spin class could give your imagination a workout? That’s exactly what happens when Brett Beldock closes her eyes and shuts out the world, visualizing shapes as she cycles. During a recent session, Beldock recalled the Etch A Sketch she fiddled with as a child, a memory that sparked Magnet. The wall covering began as multiple hand-painted watercolors that were then layered into a single composition. The resulting artwork can be replicated on grass cloth, woven paper, or Type II vinyl in any of three colorways. Equally fitting to cover an entire wall or stand alone as a singular piece of art, the overscale abstractions are compelling. “Large shapes have a magnetism that draws the eye toward them,” Beldock says—no pun intended.

Magnet by Brett Design.

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