July 14, 2011

Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architect Greg Baldwin Dies

Greg Baldwin architect


The Oregonian

: Architect and urban designer Greg Baldwin wasn’t known for a landmark building, project or even a particular aesthetic style. But if you drive or walk around Portland, you can’t help running into something Baldwin designed or help plan, including the MAX system, transit mall, Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Eliot Tower and Simon and Helen Director Park. Athletic and Ivy League-educated, the native Portlander wasn’t the Hollywood stereotype of an egomaniacal architect, but a warm, supportive builder of partnerships who helped cement Portland’s reputation as a process-loving city that encourages public participation. Baldwin, 70, died June 25 from a brain tumor, leaving behind his wife, Joan, and many relatives, friends, colleagues and admirers. He also leaves a legacy that has affected all Portlanders, though many may not realize it. To continue reading, visit



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