a colorful floral pattern on a white background

9 Nature-Inspired Coverings For A Fresh Touch

Twisted vines range the room, capturing the essence of the outdoors and adding hints of natural beauty.

Discover These Coverings Homaging To The Outdoors

Island Time by Philip Jeffries

a pink background with a palm leaf pattern

Island Time natural and vinyl wallcoverings by Phillip Jeffries.

Seeds by Rebecca Atwood

a plant sits on a wooden floor next to a wallpaper

Seeds wallpaper in sage/blue by Rebecca Atwood.

Green House Silk Bombis by Arte

a bedroom with a bed and a wallpapered wall

Moooi’s Green House Silk Bombis textile wallcovering on nonwoven backing by Arte.

Hazel by Anna Spiro through Studio Four NYC

a colorful floral pattern on a white background

Hazel linen fabric in Spring by Anna Spiro through Studio Four NYC.

Type III by Maya Romanoff

a black rose pattern on a black background

Bouquet hand-painted Type III 34-ounce vinyl wallcovering with Osnaburg backing by Maya Romanoff.

Tilly Leaf by Suzanne Tucker Home

a white background with green and pink flowers

Tilly Leaf cotton fabric by Suzanne Tucker Home.

Bloom by Mayer Fabrics

a black and white floraled chair

Bloom polyacrylic-polyester fabric in White Oleander by Mayer Fabrics.

Botanic Print by Carnegie

a chair with a book and a drink on it

Botanic Print PVC-, finish-, and PFAS-free silicone- coated hybrid upholstery fabric by Carnegie.

RIVA Moss by RIVA Spain

a round plate with greenery

RIVA Moss preserved moss panels by RIVA Spain.

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