2 Luminous Projects Spotlight Texas Modernism
If ever there was an architectural movement that sprang from the joy of discovery, Texas regionalism is it. What is Texan about the following houses is a pervading sense of place, deeply embedded in tangible realities—history, climate, topography, traditions, the economy, and the culture. When you look at these houses, you know that their architecture, their siting, and the way they address their environment means only one thing: there is no other place these houses can be other than where they are: in Texas.
Read more about two Texas projects that shine the spotlight on regional modernism, past and present. The images and excerpted text from Texas Made/Texas Modern: The House and the Land, to be published in October, appear courtesy of The Monacelli Press.
Texas Projects That Spotlight Regional Modernism
1. Firm: KinneyMorrow Architecture
Site: Marfa, Texas
2. Firm: O’Neil Ford + Tobin Smith Architect
Site: San Antonio