Brokisglass Upcycles Factory Leftovers into Custom Architectural Products
The production of high-end handblown-glass lighting is not by nature an earth-conscious enterprise: About one third of the material used to craft this Czech maker’s designs typically winds up on the factory floor. Once destined for landfill, these leftovers—up to a ton per week—are now being upcycled into Brokisglass, a durable and versatile slab with a distinct marble-like appearance. It took nearly a decade and much R&D for Janstejn Glassworks, the 200-year-old factory the lighting brand grew out of, to perfect the process of fusing shards into panels measuring 35 by 60 cm or 59 cm square (custom sizes are also possible) and 6 or 8 mm thick. Offered in 15 basic colors and two finishes, Brokisglass is well suited to creations ranging from countertops and credenzas to interior cladding. Customization options include curving, sandblasting, and beveling.