Herman Miller’s Ergonomic Cosm Chair by Studio 7.5 Responds to Your Body in Real Time

What if a chair could make you forget you’re sitting on it? Carola Zwick, Roland Zwick, and Burkhard Schmitz tackle that challenge via Cosm, a task chair with sophisticated ergonomic design that responds to your body in real time. The partners in Berlin-based Studio 7.5 devised three zones that work in concert to confer a sense of weightlessness.

The Auto-Harmonic tilt mechanism confers instant and automatic support and balanced movement. The Intercept suspension is breathable and temperature neutral, the continuous form eliminating the gap between seat and back to provide dynamic spinal support. It attaches seamlessly to the thin but strong frame via small teeth-shape connectors. The low-, mid-, and high-back models come in a variety of frame and mesh colors that can be mixed or matched on a single chair.