April 8, 2019

Ionna Vautrin’s TGV Lamps Go from Train to Tabletop

TGV lamp by Ionna Vautrin for Moustache. Photography by Michel Giesbrecht.

Eager to outfit its new TGV trains in style, French railway operator SNCF asked Ionna Vautrin to supply reading lights. The Parisian designer envisioned a lamp evoking the solace of home, a foil for the forced fellowship implicit in public transportation. “It reformulates traveling space as an extension of habitat,” she says. So it’s fitting that Moustache is now offering a table-lamp version for home or office in Khaki, White, or Anthracite, as well as the original Red or Blue. Made of injected aluminum with polycarbonate diffusers shading LEDs, the TGV lamp is identical to the train version, save for the added ballast for stability.

TGV lamp by Ionna Vautrin for Moustache. Photography by Michel Giesbrecht.

Read next: 8 Geometric Lighting Products

> See more from the April 2019 issue of Interior Design

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