a rendering of La Puerta de Puente Iglesias, Jericó, Colombia

For a Hotel in Colombia, Local Coffee Farms Supply a Key Material

2023 Best of Year Winner for On the Boards: Commercial

On the outskirts of Medellín, La Puerta de Puente Iglesias, an 180,000-square foot hotel in Jericó, Colombia, plans to honor the region’s Antioquian vernacular and Spanish colonial architecture. F05 Studio plans to salvage rock for construction from local coffee farms to blend the building with the mountainous surroundings. On the rooftop, rustic stone walls punctuated with arched portals evoking ruins will surround the pool. Inside is softer: a tranquil palette and Chantilly parquet flooring juxtaposed with the utmost in contemporary amenities.

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a rendering of a hotel's guest suite with views of the mountains
a rendering of La Puerta de Puente Iglesias, Jericó, Colombia

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