Top 3 Issues Firms are Facing
“I will be raising my design fees and keeping track of time, like a lawyer.”
“In 2009, our goal was to keep the doors open. In 2010, it’s to keep the doors open and actually issue myself a paycheck.”
“The new focus is on billable time, logging all clients hours and making them aware of the value they’re receiving.”
“It’s all about service, service, service.”
“The recession has made us lean, mean design matters.”
“My firm’s growth opportunities have been most elevated by moving into a co-op studio with six other interior designers. We each have our own business but share the expenses of the studio and product libraries. We also buy under one name, thereby earning deeper discounts on product.”
“I started a new division within my firm called It aids older clients with very large homes when the time comes to downsize to a condominium or a retirement community. In a view of the economy, I thought this would be a very good idea, as did many people who responded positively to our advertising.”
“Our goal is to keep doing what we do best: providing current clients our best services and loyalties. Our strategy? Marketing, marketing, marketing.”
“Our management structure ensures the direct involvement of senior staff on every project. We hope to continue to provide a deep commitment to quality and an unwavering focus on helping our clients achieve their highest goals.”
“We will continue to find projects that inspire us to help clients achieve their goals for a perfectly designed space.”
“Providing consultation services, billed by the hour, helped us to meet prospects who later hired us for projects or referred work to us.”
“We practice ‘gorilla’ marketing, purple fuzzy suit and all—just kidding.”
“I will further attempt to educate the public on the importance and value of interior design through blogging online and writing for print publications. I intend to concentrate my efforts on designing spaces that matter and that create experiences.”
“I believe our success has come from trusted client recommendations, good old referrals.”
“We are under new leadership, and our image and branding will be changing. We hope this will foster improved vision for the firm and illicit more clientele.”
“The trick is to stay lean and nimble, work smarter, innovate, and find more creative angles to land work.”
“We work to educate clients on the value we provide and search hard to find clients we ideally would like to work with.”
“We try to educate clients on the value of our services, which prevents them from making costly mistakes.”
“The recession has taught us to realize that no project is too simple or small. We review—and usually take—all comers to the business. This practice has significantly expanded our vision and diversity, which, we have decided, is a great thing to have occurred and we are going to keep it going in 2010.”
“We’re going to keep working hard, quit complaining, and love every client that walks through the door.”
“The recession has not changed our firm’s practice. We strive to deliver value without compromising quality.”