"Look Here," an installation at the National Building Museum in Washington

A Must-See Installation at the National Building Museum

2023 Best of Year Winner for Installation

New York architecture and design studio Reddymade was inspired by ancient Japanese magic mirrors—polished-bronze surfaces that reveal hidden images when illuminated—for “Look Here,” the large-scale public artwork that occupied 5,100 square feet of the National Building Museum’s Great Hall during the summer. Comprising a constellation of highly reflective, aluminum-clad forms suspended above a curved ramp culminating in a pillow-strewn observation platform, the installation offered visitors a kaleidoscope of changing perspectives on the vast colonnaded space as mirrored in the shiny prismatic fractals overhead. By visually deconstructing and reassembling the monumental 19th-century Renaissance Revival atrium, the dazzling work suggested how the way we experience the built environment shapes our understanding of the world and our constantly shifting place in it.

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See Interior Design’s Best of Year Winners and Honorees

Explore must-see projects and innovative products that took home high honors.

"Look Here," an installation at the National Building Museum in Washington
"Look Here," an installation at the National Building Museum in Washington
"Look Here," an installation at the National Building Museum in Washington

suchi reddy; hitarth nandi; suha samara.

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