Pop-Art Style Decals Enliven the Design of This Paris Office

2022 Best of Year Winner for Environmental Branding

Nicknamed AXA Memphis after the 1980’s design movement, the 1,400-square-foot Paris outpost for AXA Investment Managers is meant to not only spur creativity and collaboration for its portfolio of properties but also jive with its location in the 13th arrondissement, a neighborhood filled with street art.

The Saguez & Partners graphic design team crafted vinyl decals that blend pop-art style with AXA’s muted corporate colors that are softer on employee eyes, and then themed each to a specific office area to assist with wayfinding. The rooftop of the neighboring building was subsequently transformed with gigantic outdoor stickers, turning the blank space into a bold benday-dot mural visible to workers looking out for inspiration.

pop art on the roof of a Paris building
Saguez & Partners: michael bezou; justine potin; charlotte le gouvello; servane rigollot; marine belkebir; chloé de quillacq

a lightbulb tilted to the left on an orange and purple background

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