Come and get it, burning-hot off the presses. Behold our portfolio of the latest and greatest. Just as you expected, right? But there’s another thingy at play this very October that you may not be aware of. Since punching in as editor in chief, with the September issue in 2001, I have officially notched a nice round 2-0-0 on my belt. Wowza! And, yes, if you are now flipping your fingers in the air, counting them out, my math includes our monthly issues, our new Homes editions, and that splendid duet performed two years ago, celebrating Gensler’s 50th. (I would like to point out that I did not count our spring and fall Market Tabloids, technically supplements.)
Anyhow, always running flat-out, issue after issue,
we may possibly, occasionally, be excused a smidge of same-old-same-old or at least a modicum of routine fatigue. Frankly, I do get bored quite, quite easily with some things, presidencies currently topping my change-out list. But there’s never a whiff of boredom around when I’m immersed in Design. Gathering material and assembling it for you just never, ever gets old. How could it? For proof, check out this month’s lineup of surprises. You might think you knew all about Hall of Fame members Lauren Rottet and Adam Tihany, but have you heard she’s doing airport hotels now, and he took a break from hotels and restaurants to do a house? You might even be more astounded by designers whose names you didn’t know, working on breathtaking projects in China.
Now, you probably got the news that Graydon Carter just threw in the Vanity Fair towel at age 68. So that would leave me what? At least a couple hundred more issues of Interior Design to go. Flip your digits on that. And cheers!
Follow me on Instagram @thecindygram.
> See more from the October 2017 issue of Interior Design